Restorative Justice to Reclaim Justice

Kind Words

Our work in the world


Our work in the world


Ada Goodly, Director
Louis A. Berry Institute for Civil Rights and Justice
Southern University Law Center

I wanted to send you a note of appreciation for conducting an excellent training on community circles last week. There are endless praises to sing about the thoughtfulness and intentionality of this model and your deep well of knowledge and compassion. I think it’s safe to speak for the class (since I was in the number) when I say that the training was unique and powerful! It was a joy to go deeper into the science of the circles and ourselves.

The introspection required to do this work will certainly make for better citizens of our little planet. The shadow work is something I’ve been discussing ever since we the training ended. I’m so very proud to help share your model and look forward to going even deeper in the days and months ahead.

It is clear that this is the beginning of a long journey for all who participated and I am thrilled to be your partner along the way. I look forward to our next training and conference in December. I am committed to making it our best yet.


After attending the workshops our youth workers have shown remarkable changes in their behavior and communication skills. Their voice, how they interact with one another, and approach conflict has transformed remarkably. As a supervisor this shift in culture makes me hopeful for each of our young employees. This workshop is equipped with tools necessary for building a holistic, intentional community. We are beyond thankful and extremely blessed to have the Restorative Center as a resource for our youth, organization, and community.  

Traning Feedback

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for the transformative experience that was this weekend for me. It coalesced so many things I have been thinking about and provided such a wonderful framework for moving forward in a world that feels overwhelming and often painfully unjust”

“This is a process and training that must be replicated and spread throughout this nation.”

“This was an incredible, life changing experience. I was able to really see how circle keepers guide the energy and allow the community to navigate the conversations.”

“It connected us on the most basic human level. I love that even though we could not physically be together, even online I still felt connected to everyone there. This was very therapeutic and eye-opening”

“It was a very powerful experience. How the facilitators helped everyone open up with stories that were universal and also specific. Everything built on each other and was so organic.”


“A truly powerful part of the training that has dramatically shifted my own work is the role the teen leaders play in training participants. When I recall my first circle with TRC I remember feeling impatient and tired. When I looked around at the teenagers sharing this circle with me my entire mindset shifted. I thought to myself: If teenagers are still actively present and participating, then they must know something I don’t know and need to know about restorative circles. The students' ability to support adults and give us feedback as we were learning how to facilitate circles is reflective of the training TRC has done in schools. The voice of students is truly respected and harnessed. Through their work with TRC, the students became our teachers. Their work has highlighted for me the importance of inter-generational circles and the power of the voice of our youth.”


workshops for lawyers

“Thankful for this series; the sessions really opened my eyes to what exists and what could be“

“Extremely valuable; such an important topic”

“Dedicated trainers who are inspiring people to change the way criminal justice is approached“

“I really appreciated the interactive aspects of the program, and the course moderators really made us think“

“Underlying ideological concepts were really thought provoking“